As a dentist with sleep and breathing issues of my own...

...I'm passionate about sharing my message of how oral, airway and sleep health affect every aspect of the body - and how we can prevent future chronic conditions (such as: type 2 diabetes; heart disease and stroke, obesity; anxiety and depression; behavioral issues in kids; ED; cognitive impairment; Alzheimer's... and more) by early diagnosis and proper treatment of underlying sleep and breathing disorders.

I'd love to share my passion - and expert knowledge - with your audience.

I've been on 'both sides of the chair' - as a dentist working with my patients, and as a dental patient struggling with my own sleep and airway issues.

I personally know the frustration of not being able to find good, science-based answers. I've interviewed - and become friends with - some of the of the most respected thought leaders in dentistry and airway. I want to share my own experiences and what I've learned from these experts with your audience.

For speaking inquiries, contact Dr. Saunders at:


Sleep -

  • Identifying sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBDs) in children and adults
  • Is your child getting enough quality sleep? Do you know?
  • What is the connection between sleep and anxiety and/or depression?
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - signs, symptoms and what to do. (I suffer from severe OSA, so this is a topic I am VERY familiar with !)
  • How is bed wetting related to sleep?
  • How are ADHD and other behavioral issues related to sleep?
  • How is Alzheimer's related to oral health, sleep and breathing?
  • How does poor sleep relate to greater vulnerability to alcohol and drug use?
  • The direct link between childhood SRBDs, OSA and (decades later) Alzheimer's. What I call 'the Seeds of Alzheimer's' ™.

Airway and breathing -

  • Nasal breathing (why it matters) and nitric oxide
  • Mouth breathing (why it matters - and not in a good way!)
  • What parents should know before taking their kids to an orthodontist
  • Is snoring normal in adults? What about in children? What about in infants?
  • Will removing tonsils and adenoids fix childhood sleeping issues? What to ask.
  • What is OSA? What are the treatment options? What happens if not treated?

Dental treatments -

  • Why is gum health one of the areas of you body you should NEVER neglect. (This is NOT a 'brush and floss' lecture!)
  • Implants. When to consider one. What questions to ask your dentist.
  • Are dentures better than implants? Can they be used together? How to make an informed decision. What questions to ask.
  • Are root canals good or bad? What to know - what questions to ask.
  • When should a child first see a dentist - what kind of dentist - and what questions to ask.
  • When you need a specialist - Who do you ask? Where do you look? Do you jsust take your dentist's recommendation for 'the guy down the hall'?
  • What is a CBCT x-ray and why might you need one? Why should certain type of dentist always use one?
  • What is myofunctional therapy and when should your dentist recommend it as part of treatment?